Since the beginning our company, founded in 1995 as a local service provider in the Oil&Gas industry, providing innovative and pertinent solutions for challenging industry problems. Later we extended our services to other sectors like mining, defense, transportation and educative.
Today we have projects in more than 10 countries providing solutions in M2M communications in sectors such as Oil&Gas and Smart Grids.
This year, Numérica was established by our founders.
Our first great project nationwide. This project required great innovation and the implementation of scientific computing algorithms in geophysics.
Some of our members traveled to various countries to pursue postgraduate studies in areas of interest to the company. Communications networks, computer science, applied math, petroleum engineering, and geophysics were our target areas.
Until this year, the company was focused on geophysical services. Starting in 2004, Numerica begins to develop and promote production-oriented services.
The first version of WellMonitor is developed and put it in service for ALS systems.
The company started to offer M2M communications along with WellMonitor.
Numérica, along with its service WellMonitor, begins operations outside the country, through service companies in the Oil and Gas sector.
International expansion, this year we increased our operation to 6 countries.
New international contracts. Companies world-wide thrust in our products and services, we close 2021 with operations in 9 countries.
The development of IoT-Konnect begins,along with our international partners ORBCOMM and DWF.
Launch of IoT-Konnect, our flexible, seamless and robust satellite and/or cellular communication system to link remote devices with your SCADA or DSS software.